If you are an online marketer, affiliate marketer, entrepreneur, or even have your own bricks-and-mortar store, then you will need to advertise online, and you will definitely need Traffic Exchanges and Mailers in your advertising toolbox to achieve success.
That is where 'Scorpio Marketing Group' comes in...
We will showcase our very own sites, list many other successful TE's and Mailers that we are involved with personally (as members), and also list some other sites that we have affiliations with, where we cross-promote each others sites with rewards to our mutual members.
Look out for some amazing promotions on offer at some of these sites, and we will also show you a few tricks on how to amass literally millions of FREE Advertising Credits which have the potential to give you months (or even years) of FREE advertising!!
We also have a 'Tools and Resources' section, together with a selection of 'e-Books' for sale.
So, to get started, follow all the steps in the 'Roadmap To Success' below, to gain the best results from 'Scorpio Marketing Group'.
Roadmap To Success
- Save 'Scorpio Marketing Group' website to your Favourite's for easy access
- Follow us on Facebook and receive 10 FREE Solo Ads - click HERE for our page. Email Brian (scorpiomarketinggroup@gmail.com) with your Username, you will receive 10 FREE Solo Ads at all of the SMG TE's that you are a member of, once your FB 'Like' is verified
- Join all 7 of my 'Scorpio Marketing Group' Traffic Exchanges (click on 'CLICK HERE TO ACCESS ALL OUR TRAFFIC EXCHANGES' further down the page. They are all FREE to join)
- Check out my YouTube Channel, subscribe for instant access to new training
- Join all (or as many as you wish) of the 'External Traffic Exchanges' listed. They are also all FREE to join
- Join our 'Partner Traffic Exchange Sites', and use the Promo Codes listed beside them to receive FREE Bonuses
- Look out for the current promotions (if any) listed below the various Traffic Exchanges - take advantage of these promotions
- Check out the 'Tools and Resources' tab - lots of invaluable tools there to help grow your business (more to be added)
- Check out the e-Book Library tab - more invaluable resources here (more to be added)
- Look out for regular updates and promotions on our Facebook Page, and I look forward to your interactions here also
- Contact Brian (scorpiomarketinggroup@gmail.com) if you have any questions or suggestions, your feedback is very important to me
Click on the links below to access all the various Traffic Exchanges, and on the following pages use the links provided (click on each banner) to join each site. ALL the Traffic Exchanges and Mailers listed are ones that I personally use on a DAILY BASIS, they are responsible for around 95% of my sign-ups and sales!!
PLEASE NOTE: All of the sites listed here are 100% FREE TO JOIN. If you are serious about your online marketing though, and if your budget allows, I strongly suggest looking at the various upgrades available on each site, these upgrades have huge benefits, and will pay for themselves over time.
There are also some AMAZING PROMOTIONS that you should take a close look at, with millions of FREE Advertising Credits on offer...look out for the 'PROMOTION' banner after each section below...